Cheapest Beyond Two Souls Special Edition (PlayStation 3)

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Best Beyond: Two Souls Special Edition (PS3) Price
Best Price: Simply Games - £24.85

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Beyond: Two Souls Special Edition (PS3)

Title               - Beyond: Two Souls Special Edition (PS3)
Platform         - Playstation 3
Category        - Action and Shooter
Release Date  - 11/10/2013
RRP                - £54.99
Best Price Now - £24.85
Prices Last Updated - 3/9/2014 07:50:03

Beyond Two Souls Special Edition (PlayStation 3) Description

This special edition of Beyond Two Souls is due out on PS3. This special edition consists of a Premium Steel Book. There is an special exclusive extra scene with a game soundtrack. You will have a special avatar pack with these making it a special edition. This game is from the makers of the award winning Heavy Rain. The story of Beyond Two Souls on PS3 is about a young lady by the name of Jodie Holmes and Jodie will have some very special skill;s such as her own unique super natural powers. You will discover some very deep but very interesting and exciting stories along the way of this game. You will get to take control of Jodie Holmes so you will get to see what her natural powers can achieve. This console game is set to be very thrilling and is a real action game that will keep you hooked.

Compare Prices for Beyond Two Souls Special Edition (PlayStation 3)

Beyond: Two Souls Special Edition (PS3) Price Comparison
Retailer Availability Price Postage Total Link
Temporarily out of stock £24.85 FREE £24.85
No information available £42.99 FREE £42.99
In stock £42.75 £2.99 £45.74
Sold by BaseTrade Seller: FOREMATT. £64.97 FREE £64.97
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