Compare XBox 360 4GB & 250GB Console Prices

The XBox 360 console has been with us since 2005, but the powerhouses that todays models boasts bear little resemblance on the inside to the original consoles of 6 years ago. Fans have remained loyal and many have upgraded as soon as the latest model has been released. There are currently 2 standard consoles available to buy, the ultra powerful XBox 250GB console, and the cheaper version, the XBox 4GB model. The last quarter of the year is traditionally the time when most consoles of this nature are sold, and 2011 doesn't look likely to reverse the trend as retailers will try and compate for your custom by offering this popular console at as low a price as possible. Stock availability can often be an issue, especially when the price is reduced, so full details of retailers sellling the XBox console, together with UK prices, reviews and news for both the 250GB and 4GB models are displayed here. 

Compare XBox 360 Prices

Thumbnail image for

Xbox 360 4GB Console

Platform         - XBox 360
Category        - Consoles
Release Date  - 20/08/2010
RRP                - £149.99
Cheapest Price - Scroll Down for Full Price Comparison

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View XBox prices, discount codes and offers from over 19 different Retailers

Xbox 250GB
XBox 360 Console (250GB) >> View Prices
(From £142.49 – 7 Jan 2013 Price Cut)

Xbox 4GB

XBox 360 Console (4GB) >> View Prices 
(from £139.00)

** 7 Jan 2012 Update: XBox 4GB + Kinect Sensor now £157.49 **


Full Description and XBox Features

Although the Xbox 360 has been around since 2005, we have seen many variations and slight differences in the models, but the 250GB unit is a major leap forward as it allows huge amounts of data, movies and saved profiles and games to be stored on the unit. However, the Xbox 360 range has been streamlined but is still offering a cheaper model the Xbox 360 4GB, which has an internal 4GB flash storage drive that offers the chance to own an Xbox 360 without paying much more for a huge memory storage, such as with the 250GB unit.

With a 3.2GHz PowerPC Tri-Core Xenon processor and a 500MHz ATI Xenos graphics card the Xbox 360 is seriously powerful and brings a huge layer of super-quick graphics and motion to your gaming pleasure. The wireless game controllers allow more freedom when playing games, and with the help from Dolby Digital 5.1 sound the whole experience is all-encapsulating.

The 360 has the benefit of Xbox Live games, forums and message boards to play and chat with other Xbox gamers, and can fill out their very own gamer profile and have a unique 'gamertag'. This interactivity and global interface allows players to play games and submit their scores in real time to the Internet to see if they are the best in the world at that particular game. Using the Ethernet cable or Wi-Fi connection, and a subscription service to Xbox Live, players can make the most of their gaming experience.

Watch XBox 360 Video

Watch a video of the unveiling of the XBox 360 console at the E3 2010.

Xbox 360 Image Gallery


Latest XBox 360 Console News

A new report suggests the next generation Xbox console is not likely to be announced until 2013, which gives a good couple of years for the console in it's current form to continue. This is good news for consumers who have recently spent a lot of money in purchasing the XBox., but not such great reading for those hanging on to see if they can get their hands on an Microsoft XBox 720, if indeed that is what it is to be called. I doubt Nintendo will be too unhappy either as it means less competition for their new console launch expected in 2012.

XBox Console Reviews


Read XBox 360 reviews from professional Game reviewers and specialist sites. 

Techradar 4.5/5
CNET 9/10

If you're the proud owner of an XBox console, either the 4GB or ultra powerful 250Gb, please let us know of your experiences by writing a review below or even on our facebook page.

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